Programming Tutorials

Interview Question: Where can I get help with Struts?

By: Ash in Interview Tutorials on 2008-08-13  

Question:Where can I get help with Struts?


The Struts package comes complete with a Users Guide to introduce people to the framework and its underlying technologies. Various components also have their own in-depth Developers Guide, to cover more advanced topics. Comprehensive Javadocs are included along with the full source code. For your convenience, these are bundled together as a self-installing application.

The struts-documentation.war is the same bundle that is deployed as the Struts Web site. The Strut's mailing list is also very active, and welcomes posts from new users. Before posting a new question, be sure to consult the MAILING LIST ARCHIVE and the very excellent How To Ask Questions The Smart Way by Eric Raymond. Please do be sure to turn off HTML in your email client before posting.





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