Programming Tutorials

Install and configure Memcached in linux

By: Emiley J in Linux Tutorials on 2012-03-16  

If you are wondering what is memcached, then you should seriously get to know about this from thismemcached site. It really makes your website load faster. It uses a simple caching mechanism to store frequently used database queries or any variables or objects into your RAM which makes it easier to fetch from this cache instead of making db calls everytime. This is quite useful especially if your site is a dynamic site which generates data from database.

Run these following commands in sequence in your linux machine to install and configure memcahced. However, in order to use memcache, you will have to make simple changes in your application. You can check the wiki article on memcached to achieve this.

yum install libevent libevent-devel
curl -O
tar -xvzf memcached-1.4.13.tar.gz
cd memcached-1.4.13
make ; make install
/usr/local/bin/memcached -u nobody -d -m 30 -l -p 11211

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