Programming Tutorials

Handling the Server Response in AJAX

By: Ram Baskar in Ajax Tutorials on 2010-11-28  

When making an AJAX request, the server responds with a response that can be handled on the client-side using various methods. Here are some of the ways to handle the server response in AJAX:

  1. Using the responseXML property: If the server returns an XML response, you can use the responseXML property to parse the XML and extract the necessary data. This property returns an XML document object that can be manipulated using DOM methods.

  2. Using the responseText property: If the server returns a text response, you can use the responseText property to get the response data as a string. You can then parse this string and extract the necessary data.

  3. Using JSON: If the server returns a JSON response, you can use the JSON.parse() method to convert the JSON data into a JavaScript object. This object can then be manipulated as required.

  4. Handling errors: It is important to handle errors that may occur while making an AJAX request. You can use the onerror event to handle errors that occur during the AJAX request. The onreadystatechange event can also be used to monitor the state of the AJAX request and handle any errors that occur.

  5. Using jQuery: If you are using jQuery, you can use the $.ajax() method to make AJAX requests and handle the server response. jQuery provides various methods to handle different types of server responses, such as $.getJSON(), $.get(), $.post(), etc.

In general, handling the server response in AJAX involves extracting the necessary data from the response and updating the UI accordingly. It is also important to handle errors and provide appropriate feedback to the user.

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