Programming Tutorials

J2ME Tutorials

11. POST UTF-8 encoded data to the server in J2ME

By: Ash : 2008-07-29

Description: This sample code shows how to POST UTF-8 encoded data to the server in J2ME. The first requirement is to set the content-type for the connection. You should also use a OutputStreamWriter and pass "UTF-8" as the second parameter. Also note that the first parameter passed to this function 'data' should be encoded to UTF-8 bytes.

12. Using alerts and tickers in J2ME

By: Eric Giguere : 2008-07-10

Description: This is a simple stock tracking MIDlet that demonstrates the use of alerts and tickers. Note that the stock values are generated randomly for example purposes. In the real world, you would use the HttpConnection class to obtain stock values from a web site. Note particularly how the alert text can be changed while the alert is still active.

13. Using List to create a Menu and Menu items in J2ME

By: Eric Giguere : 2008-07-10

Description: This example creates a list of items (Item1 to Item4) and calls the prepare method whenever an item is selected. The testItem# methods, where # s a number between 1 and 4, call the prepare method and set the name of the menu.

14. lists, forms, choices, gauges, text fields, text boxes in J2ME

By: Eric Giguere : 2008-07-10

Description: This example demonstrates how to create various GUI components. The MIDlet for this example allows you to test lists, forms, choices, gauges, text fields, text boxes, for example.

15. Timer and TimerTask example in J2ME

By: Emiley J. : 2008-07-07

Description: This sample J2ME program demonstrates the use of Timer and TimerTask in a midlet. This MIDlet creates two gauges. One gauge gaugeOne, sets elements from low to high. The other, gaugeTwo, set elements from high to low. In effect, this has gaugeOne "going up", and gaugeTwo "going down."

16. J2ME Canvas sample to show games programming in J2ME

By: Emiley J. : 2008-07-07

Description: This sample J2ME demonstrates the use of Canvas in a midlet. Most of the graphics methods available are used here to let you quickly learn the concepts of graphics programming in J2ME program. It also shows the basics of creating a J2ME game using the controls of a phone. For example handling the left, right keys and the up, down keys etc.

17. What is J2ME?

By: Emiley J. : 2007-12-06

Description: J2ME is the short form for Java 2 Micro Edition. J2ME is meant for tiny devices such as mobile phones, TV set top boxes, Vehicle telematics, pagers, PDAs etc. 

18. Getting Started with J2ME

By: Emiley J. : 2007-12-06

Description: A brief introduction of what is J2ME? is a good place to getting started. As with any other technology J2ME has its own set of toolkits and IDEs.

19. getPosition() the right strategy in getting GPS

By: Fazal : 2007-09-22

Description: This article describes using the getPosition() method to get the GPS position in the background. I call this method from a separate thread like documentation recomends, so I can show a 'Cancel' button in the display in case I want to cancel the GPS request. The thing is that I don't know how to make getPosition() function to stop requesting. I want getPosition() to stop executing when I push 'Cancel' button. How do I do that? I'm sure there is a way, because the built-in app to get GPS position stops when I cancel.

20. A sample J2ME Auto-resume program.

By: Emiley J : 2007-09-22

Description: Do you need to create an application that does auto-resume (after a phone-call, or whenever a flip-phone is opened). Here is a sample J2ME Auto-resume program.