Programming Tutorials

Cocoa Tutorials

11. Programming Language used in Cocoa Programming

By: Aaron Hillegass : 2010-09-03

Description: Objective-C is a simple and elegant extension to C, and mastering it will take about two hours if you already know C and an object-oriented language, such as Java or C++.

12. Objects, Classes, Methods, and Messages in Cocoa Programming

By: Aaron Hillegass : 2010-09-03

Description: What is an object? An object is like a C struct: It takes up memory and has variables inside it. The variables in an object are called instance variables. So when dealing with objects, the first questions we typically ask are: How do you allocate space for one? What instance variables does the object have? How do you destroy the object when you are done with it?

13. Frameworks in Cocoa Programming

By: Aaron Hillegass : 2010-09-03

Description: A framework is a collection of classes that are intended to be used together. In other words, the classes are compiled together into a reusable library of code. Any related resources are put into a directory with the library. The directory is renamed with the extension .framework. You can find the built-in frameworks for your machine in /System/Library/Frameworks.

14. Life Cycle of a Cocoa Application

By: Aaron Hillegass : 2010-09-03

Description: Let's briefly discuss the chronology of an application: When the process is started, it runs the NSApplicationMain function, which creates an instance of NSApplication. The application object reads the main nib file and unarchives the objects inside. The objects are all sent the message awakeFromNib. Then the application object checks for events.